website statistics

#1. New York - 32,248 deaths. (1/4 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor.)
#2. New Jersey - 15,279 deaths (1/10 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor.)
#3. Massachusetts - 8,183 deaths (1/20 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)
#4. Illinois - 7,230 deaths (1/20 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)
#5 Pennsylvania - 6,804 deaths (1/25 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)
#6 California - 6,337 deaths (1/25 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)
#7 Michigan - 6,218 deaths (1/25 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)
#8 Connecticut - 4,335 deaths (1/30 of the entire nation's deaths; Democrat governor)

These are the top 8 states when it comes with deaths. The total number of deaths here is 86,634. Or, (using the Worldometer's number rather than the CDC's, of 132,569) 65% of all of America's deaths before you finally get to a state with a Republican governor (Florida, #9, 3,732 deaths. Next GOP one is #12, Ohio, with 2,935).

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The Corn Siege