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Thinking about where our culture is going, one cannot help wonder about the church's effectiveness in this post truth culture in reaching those without Christ. The truth is that every believer already, whether they realize it or not, does some form of pre-evangelism (apologetics) to the ones who are hostile to the gospel message. The question now becomes, do we want to continue to do it poorly or do we want to do it well? Is there are place for apologetics with evangelism?

On the Let's Get Real Podcast w/Rob Lundberg, Rob shares the difference between evangelism and apologetics, and then moves into sharing what apologetics cannot and can do. Following this groundwork, Rob presents three angles to show the importance of apologetics being brought into our evangelism in a post truth culture.

With all the ideologies vying for attention and affirmation in our culture, it is clear that there has been a tectonic shift where we need to step back and evaluate how we fulfill the evangelistic mission. This is a podcast show that you will want to share with your pastor or student leader. If you have any questions or comments about what you hear on this show OR if you have a question you would like Rob to answer on a future show, please sent your comment/questions to

Also if you would like to subscribe to this podcast, you will find it on several platforms to include Apple Podcasts. For more information on Rob's ministry, you can to go to his website at These are interesting days, and we are seeking to branch out with this ministry. If you would like to help us in this ministry with a small gift you can do so by clicking here. Thank you for listening to this podcast. Let others know about the Let's Get Real Podcast with Rob Lundberg.

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Thinking about where our culture is going, one cannot help wonder about the church's effectiveness in this post truth culture in reaching those without Christ. The truth is that every believer already, whether they realize it or not, does some fo

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