I really like this, i sure don't want china to get data about us, but like he says, how do the US big tech companies handle our data, and what about the 1st amendment?
I really like this, i sure don't want china to get data about us, but like he says, how do the US big tech companies handle our data, and what about the 1st amendment?
Anthony Horvath
If I could be persuaded that the company was completely severed from the ChiComs I might feel differently.
Bear in mind, I started Cornertable because i wasn't inclined to let even American companies have all my info. They are mainly run by leftists who, like the ChiComs, have in fact declared war, and just haven't gotten to the shooting stage yet. I think when war is afoot, new considerations need to be brought to bear. But at the very least, I don't continue on as normal with my enemies who are trying to destroy me.
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