Working on my final paper, for my first doctorate class, over the book of Amos. I can't help, but notice the Minor Prophets focused on similar topics society is facing today: syncretism, apostasy, warning the people of Israel to worship God, but don't become like the surrounding cultures and society, and losing their identity, culture and morals.
They warned the people of the dangers which would befall than, including turning away from God and embracing every thought, philosophy, and religious belief and melding into their own to the point, they essential were committing idolatry and behaving no different than the people around them.
An interesting thing to note was in times of trouble and answers, instead of turning to God for guidance, they turned to their government for help, and in the process, led them further away from what God was trying to guide them as a people.
The prophets eventual warned the people if they continue on their paths, they would face judgments in the form of invasion, loss of their identities, and their land.
History would show the people suffered not only invasion, but capture and conquest, and one of the books of the Bible shared one of the invaders upon invading, was repulsed by the immorality and self-destruction of the people.
Anthony Horvath
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V Clark
During the lockdown, there were reports of them buying up real estate here and in Italy.
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Anthony Horvath
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Anthony Horvath
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