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LinkedIn - yes, LINKEDIN - took down this post of mine today, after about only an hour, because, they alleged, my post went against their policy on "misinformation"!!! Why is LINKEDIN acting like NAZIS? What are they scared of?


Very informative presentation (~ 20 mins) by a med dr re COVID-19. Key take-aways below.

1-The avg age of ppl dying w/ COVID-19 is approx the same as avg age of death for ppl in general.

2-The greatest risk factor for serious illness with COVID-19 is Vitamin D deficiency. Vit D strengthens the human immune system. The human body naturally generates Vitamin D from warm sunshine. Thus shelter-in-place orders were the opposite of what ppl needed.

3-Fresh air also helps the human body fight off coronaviruses, including COVID-19. Thus mask mandates are opposite of what people need.

4-Fauci takes a Vitamin D supplement every day. Why didn't he publicize that?

5-The current COVID-19 "vaccines" are not vaccines according to the historical definition. They are experimental gene therapies that alter RNA. Use of such gene therapies, in mass, have NEVER been done on humans before. And yet the manufacturers of these gene therapies enjoy complete immunity from liability. Why is that?

6-Fauci & CDC have significant vested interests in the commercial success of these new experimental gene therapies. That's a serious & obvious conflict of interest. That's the proverbial "fox guarding the hen house."

#covid19 #vaccines #vaccineresearch #immunesystem #linkedin #nazis #naziism

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The Corn Siege