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Outstanding!!! QI should not be the default. The default should be no QI, with an officer earning QI from a court by establishing the evidentiary record that he/she acted in accordance with the federal & state constitutions (as applicable - and to which all officers take an oath of obedience), state statute(s) the officer asserts to have been enforcing, and last but not least obedience to his dept policies AND agency training. All of that should be A PIECE OF CAKE for a responsible professional. If an officer can’t show he/she was compliant with ALL those factors he/she should not be granted QI.

Don’t like being held to the law and dept standards? Get another fucking job!

New York City ends qualified immunity for police officers | Fox News

New York City ends qualified immunity for police officers | Fox News

The New York City Council moved to end qualified immunity for police officers Thursday, making it the first big city in the nation to do so. 

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The Corn Siege