According to the New Testament book of Acts, the Apostle Paul visited Thessalonica [Thessaloniki, Macedonia] during his “second journey” West. It was the first time he taught on European soil, after having spent some time at Philippi.
One of his earliest letters was likely his Epistle [letter] known as 1 Thessalonians. Most conservative NT scholars believe that Luke was a traveling companion of Paul, and accompanied him on many of his journeys. In Acts 17:6 [written by Luke], Luke accurately recorded the title of the government magistrates of Thessalonica as “politarchs,” indicating his familiarity with that office.
Additionally, four names also appear in the Inscription which are also attested in the NT (Sosipater, Lucius, Secundus, and Gaius), attesting to the existence and popularity of these names at that time.
The inscription was discovered in 1876 when a Roman arch was torn down. It was taken first to the British consulate, and then to the British Museum which is where it is located today.
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This article from Biblical Archaeology covers all the non-Christian historical sources that discuss Jesus.
About the author: Lawrence Mykytiuk is associate professor of library science and the history librarian at Purdue University.
He holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Semitic Studies and is the author of the book Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200–539 B.C.E. (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2004)
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