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CornerTable really could use more pages.

Why pages?

Think of CornerTable's framework to be similar to FB.

Profile-A profile is a place on CornerTable, like on FB, where you can share information about yourself, such as your interests, photos, videos, current city, and hometown. To see your profile, click or tap your name or profile picture at the top.

You must have a profile to create a Page or help manage one.

Your profile won't show up on the Page.

Like on Facebook, Pages are places on CornerTable that can connect with their fans or customers. When someone likes or follows a Page on CornerTable, they can start seeing updates from that Page in their News Feed.

And LIKE FB, pages publish content which tends to be a driving force for people to use a platform, in addition to connecting with friends, families, and more.

We all have different interests.

If you're a pastor, create a page here for your church.
If you have an interest, start a page.
If you have a business, add a page here too and link to it on your website.
Invite your favorite bands and more to expand their presence here.

Every social platform is just that: a platform. They don't publish, they provide space. We provide the content.

CornerTable like anything else is a platform, and published content is how a social platform gets busy and grows.

In addition to inviting our friends, family, co-workers, and more to try out CornerTable, what are ways we can help CornerTable grow?

I started an academic info page here, but the other ways are if you have a small business, start a page here. CornerTable doesn't charge for pages and they are more customizable here than others, but ALSO, link to your CornerTable page on your website, blog, social media, etc.

Share it with your church and encourage them to expand their social media presence here and start a page. Surely the current social media volunteer is willing to add one more site for posting or take on someone to help with publishing.

If your friends, family, coworkers and more aren't here, it's harder to have reasons to come here. Most of those I know are here now and so I find myself spending more time here than elsewhere, BUT it also means I need to do my part publishing personal content on my profile and I'm about to announce on my other social medias about my academic public page so people will be encouraged to come here to CornerTable and check out the page and support my endeavors.

Thank you for your help Tech Support!


Which do you own and/or use?

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Charlie Kirk calls on Elon Musk to build a better internet in fight against censorship - TheBlaze

Charlie Kirk calls on Elon Musk to build a better internet in fight against censorship - TheBlaze

'Please start and launch everything'
V Clark shared a post  
4 yrs

4 yrs

Ladies and gentlegerms, we are making a server upgrade sometime today (God willing). Hopefully this will be completely seamless and no one will notice a thing. But it will position us for future growth and might help with our email deliverability issues.

In other news, the android app hit a bump and we will be taking another run at it in the coming week.

Ladies and gentlegerms, we are making a server upgrade sometime today (God willing). Hopefully this will be completely seamless and no one will notice a thing. But it will position us for future growth and might help with our email deliverability issues.

In other news, the android app hit a bump and we will be taking another run at it in the coming week.

TIP: As this platform only has 3 visibility settings
(Everyone, Friends, Only Me)
if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
GROUPS can be set to private/invite only.
Don't forget to change the privacy settings on your posts
if you don't want everyone to see them!

The Corn Siege