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Thought for Wednesday, 02/28:
"If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us least live so as to deserve it." ~ Immanuel Hermann Fichte

Jason Farrell changed his profile picture
34 w


Thought for Tuesday, 02/27:
"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." ~ Freya Madeline Stark

Thought for Monday, 02/26:
"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for." ~ Grace Murray Hopper

it cost me a big chunk of change to upgrade the site. the upgrade went well, with nothing breaking. However, video uploads still aren't working. I will have to spend more to resolve that. Unless someone wants to throw in some money, that project is going to be put off until the summer. Kind of a bummer, because I was looking to start pushing this site again, but I don't want to do it without that functionality.

If anyone sees anything broken please let me know. I mean, besides the video upload issue.

Watch our February 25, 2024 Worship service including prayers, singing, announcements, special music of “This is My Word” sung by The Believers, and a sermon by Sohrab Ramtin from I Peter 5:8.

The Chapel emphasizes the Lord Jesus Christ through the Word, Prayer, and Missions.

Mission Valley Community Chapel an independent, small multigenerational Bible believing Christian church, an Open Plymouth Brethren (Christian Brethren) assembly. All leadership is volunteer, enabling the majority of our giving to go to evangelists and missionaries worldwide. There are opportunities to serve for those interested in participating, including outreach, hospitality, and music.



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Thought for Sunday, 02/25:
"We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions." ~ Isaac Bashevis Singer

Thought for Saturday, 02/24:
"Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought on the unthinking." ~ John Maynard Keynes

video test 3

video test 2

TIP: As this platform only has 3 visibility settings
(Everyone, Friends, Only Me)
if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
GROUPS can be set to private/invite only.
Don't forget to change the privacy settings on your posts
if you don't want everyone to see them!

The Corn Siege