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The 'Dark Triad' Personality and How it Relates to Democrats

The 'Dark Triad' Personality and How it Relates to Democrats

A new study provides fresh insight into the psychology of Democrats by showing how narcissists, psychopaths and Machiavellians have all learned to use the language of victimhood to gain undeserved ben


Thought for Friday, 04/08:
"Truth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures." ~ Han Suyin

More testimony about the dangers of the supposed "vaccine." As far as I know, no one in my friends/family has died soon after getting it, but it still remains that if government and media people alike won't talk the real risks, there should be a moral outcry over this kind of alarming data...

Dr. McCullough:

Dr. McCullough:

Dr. Peter McCullough Uses the Bradford Hill Tenants of Causality to Link the Vaccines to Death Is there a large epidemiological signal? Yes. Is there a dangerous mechanism? Yes. Are there other condit

I am not surprised of the scale of the problems they found. Hopefully this kind of information will be seen by many...

New Arizona Report Determines 2020 Election Was Full Of Lies And Nothing Else

New Arizona Report Determines 2020 Election Was Full Of Lies And Nothing Else

The left is already panicking over this information.

Thought for Thursday, 04/07:
"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." ~ Thomas Paine

Haven't been here in more than awhile. Will start checking in more regularly!


I hope that, come November, voters will see past their blame game and show many of them to the door!

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Discusses Biden's 5 Lies of Inflation

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Discusses Biden's 5 Lies of Inflation

CRUZ: "Team Biden’s response to the inflation that is ravaging our country has been ridiculous lie after ridiculous lie."

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The Corn Siege