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ἄκαρπος (akarpos - unfruitful)
barren, profitless, worthless, useless, destitute, contributing nothing





Thought for Saturday, 07/30:
"War does not determine who is right... only who is left." ~ Bertrand Russell

From it’s inception the alliance of Freemasons and the Illuminati have had a clearly defined program for the rest of the world populace

1) Abolition of all ordered government
2) Abolition of private property
3) Abolition of inheritance
4) Abolition of patriotism
5) Abolition of all religions
6) Abolition of family and notions of morality
7) Control of the education of children
8) Creation of a world government

This has been encountered as the working instructions for every revolutionary movement in the world since 1782.


this isn't the first time I've seen such statements. I mock this sentiment in my Corn Siege book. Tried to authenticate. Best I could do is that this was all the way back in 2020.

Reminds me of the woman who called the radio station to complain about who the dumb person was who put the deer crossing sign up at a particular place on the road--she said that's a terrible place for deer to cross, they should have put the sign somewhere else. She later said she was joking, but I don't think so.


Do not ask what they intend to do.
Find out what they are doing.
In this way you will not try to gather grapes from thornbushes.
Vladimir Voinovich a Russian emigre quotes A.Surkov a speaker at the first congress of Soviet writers saying,
“A poet somehow or other overlooks that aspect of humanism expressed in the severe and beautiful concept of hatred”
Voinovich goes on to characterize hatred as perhaps the most important single component of humanism.
The Soviet government was the administrator of the world’s most humanist state …


For those who believe there is no afterlife, it is of supreme importance to maintain total control throughout this life, believing that there is no other.
Those who believe in the afterlife, on the other hand, are tempted to be too tolerant of outrages on the earth, supposing that things will be better in the next world.
Add to that some gnostic determinism that masquerades as God’s Sovereignty, and you are no longer salt or light and truly on the highway to hell.
The Masonic order of Canaanites has flourished because it has chosen it’s propaganda vehicles with great care.
Perhaps the most efficient of these, one which has converted a large and vocal segment of the Church to it’s work, is Secular Humanism.
This implementation by government deliberately pits ‘human interests’ against ‘spiritual interests’
The spiritual interests are then soon shunted aside.



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The Corn Siege