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linda favor changed her profile picture
4 yrs

HannahPitts changed her profile cover
4 yrs

HannahPitts changed her profile picture
4 yrs




The days can seem difficult...enduring and managing may seem overwhelming. Take heart, God has not forsaken his people!

Managing Difficult Days - The Kinda Crunchy Family

Managing Difficult Days - The Kinda Crunchy Family

Life is hard, nothing is the same. How can we manage these difficult days.

A cool feature on the CornerTable app was the ability to "Verified" your account, thus the "blue checkmark" next to mine.

Either that or CornerTable recognizes Oreo is President-elect.

V Clark changed her profile picture
4 yrs

V Clark shared a post  
4 yrs

4 yrs

If we ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" we are defining "bad things" & "good people" with a secular worldview. As Believers, we must reframe our lives through a Biblical worldview. Then we can eliminate the question of why bad things happen all together.

If we ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" we are defining "bad things" & "good people" with a secular worldview. As Believers, we must reframe our lives through a Biblical worldview. Then we can eliminate the question of why bad things happen all together.

TIP: As this platform only has 3 visibility settings
(Everyone, Friends, Only Me)
if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
GROUPS can be set to private/invite only.
Don't forget to change the privacy settings on your posts
if you don't want everyone to see them!

The Corn Siege