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There's a lot to unpack in this FB image.

First, "won't someone please think of the children?" is in full effect. Age old rallying call of the left to exert control, so not much need to go into more detail.

The bone spurs comment is a slam on Trump who got a deferment on military service during the Vietnam era due to a medical diagnosis. The MSM has spent much effort claiming this was a bogus diagnosis. In any case, this illustration is a call back to bring that controversy back in to the public consciousness.

Last, note who is speaking and to whom. The character who is making the statement to the little white boy (also important) is a little black girl. There is a common trope in American fiction of the "Magical Negro". This is a Black character that shows up out of nowhere to help out the White main character. This character has some sort of magic power (or sage words of advice). It's also an example of what we see in liberal politics right now where Black women are taking over the feminist movement.


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The Corn Siege