A way to build content on CornerTable is:
1. Post ourselves
2. Start or join a group for whatever it is that interests you
3. Start or create a page (and you can customize the background)
4. Invite friends, family, coworkers, etc. to try out CornerTable. Please remind them not to use a keyword search since the search engines haven't index CornerTable and they will simply find a furniture store and not the community
5. Invite people you follow or pages you like to expand their social media presence on CornerTable
Many people don't know anything about CornerTable so instead of simply posting a link, add a little blurb so they can get an idea what CornerTable is (and is not about)
Just like with FB, when you first sign up, you're not going to see much content. Why? Cuz you got no 'friends'! This is a platform. It is a place for you to build your network. With FB, it is now easy to plug right into a network because others have spent years building them already. There is no magic substitute for YOU inviting your friends, families, and contacts to join you here. We may be small, but at least we're free!