Welcome to all those new to CornerTable.
We've been here since April and love it, but Anthony/CornerTable makes a great point.
Don't stop at simply joining.
CornerTable is a platform, a blank canvas so we are the ones with the opportunity to bring and build the community here.
Invite friends and family.
Invite co-workers and maybe the boss.
Invite classmates
Invite members of your congregation.
Encourage your church to build a page here and a group.
Invite people you enjoy following to expand their social media presence here in CornerTable and let them know, they DO NOT have to pay for a page, to build a page.
Start a group
Start a page
If you have a business yourself, start a page and expand your presence here as well!
Newsflash/Disclaimer: I am not a billionaire and I have no friends that are billionaires. I think I've done a pretty good job here but let's be realistic, there WILL be differences between what you are used to with Big Tech. That said, one of those differences is FREEDOM, so I guess you need to pick your poison. This site is what you make of it. You have to USE it to enjoy it, which means joining groups/pages, inviting friends/fam, and so on. I stand ready to upgrade software and hardware, on my own dime, as the site grows. Find a group: https://cornertable.us/suggested-groups