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In order for a civil society to persist on a republican basis, it is very important that friction be reduced between people. This can only be done by giving them less to argue about and ensuring that what they do argue about is relatively inconsequential. That is, the things they argue about should be things where, if they fail to get their way, are not unbearable.

Take, for example, someone who desires communism. Let's pretend for a minute they aren't actually advocating for mass murder and genuinely believe that this will give them the utopia long sought for but denied to so many others. There are many problems, of course. First, many others do not desire communism, and communism itself entails such a radical intrusion into one's daily life that if it was imposed upon these, there would surely be violence.

For the people who want communism, they can already get that if they wanted by moving to a place where there are other commies, who would voluntarily submit to such a system. NY, California, or Mass, come to mind as places well on the way. The problem arises when it is imposed on people who have moved AWAY from such places specifically to exclude themselves from such things.

I give communism as an extreme example (not extreme in the sense of unlikely to be promoted, but extreme in its intrusiveness), but to explain more clearly that what is needed in a civil, republican, society is a LONG LIST of things that no other person can impose on another, PERIOD. For people who want such things, they should purchase land and live life according to their own lights, and naturally, people who disagree with THOSE people should not be able to stop them.

It is the only way to prevent bloodshed.

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if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
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The Corn Siege