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What stories will you tell of this time? Will you be lamenting that you could have done more to save our freedoms? Or will you speak with pride of how you did everything in your ability to preserve our Republic and get constitutional candidates into office to preserve our freedoms? Joe Blystone, a constitutional Republican, is running a grassroots campaign. That means that there aren't huge amounts of special interest money to fund the campaign, no PAC money, no big pharma money, and no strings attached. It also means he has to fight against the RINOS in his own party who want to continue with business as usual, enriching themselves at our expense. It is time we sent a message to the Rino's, that We the People will no longer accept business as usual. We want our country back! We need your support. Invest in the future of our state and fight against the tyranny by donating to the Blystone campaign.

The Blystone campaign is a grassroots campaign, run by volunteers that are giving it all to make sure we have a representative that will fight for us, that will fight against the regime that wants to steal our rights, our freedom, our health, and our future. If you want to maintain our Republic, if you want to see Ohio stand strong against tyranny, then we need you to come on board and become a volunteer. Can we count on you to set aside some time to ensure the preservation of freedom for our state? Will you join together with our team of constitutional patriots to help get Joe Blystone elected as Governor of Ohio? Make the stories you tell to following generations stories of honor, stories of sacrifice, stories of victory for your family, and for our Republic.

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The Corn Siege