We move to the story of Jonah - fascinating! God asks Jonah to "preach against" Nineveh. "But Jonah ran away from the Lord..."
How'd that work out for Jonah? He was thrown overboard from his "escape" boat. He was swallowed up by a "great fish" and rode around in the fish for "three days and three nights" - and knew it as he prayed for God to intervene!! "And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land."
And Jonah obeyed God, preached against Nineveh for 3 days, and got angry when the Ninevites repented! In fact, Jonah declares "...I am angry enough to die!"
Do you ever get that angry - with God? Confess it and live. That is what Jonah did. God's concern is our obedience. And he knows how we feel - Jesus appeared as a man with all of the same temptations.