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A well constructed system of invincible ignorance

I keep seeing posts and news stories about Critical Race Theory. Nearly all of it is wrong. Partisan politics has a way of doing that. I'm going to try to cut through the noise and set the record straight.
I'm going to tag some people from across the political spectrum. I'm asking you each one simple question. Do you think your "side" is describing Critical Race Theory accurately?
I've written a lot about CRT here on Facebook. I'm not going to rehash everything. I'll just lay out the basics....
RACISM: Critical Race Theory redefines racism.
Traditional: "Racism" is abnormal and unusual. It is prejudice, discrimination or oppression on the basis of race. Racism is an intentional act carried out by one or more people.
Critical Race Theory: "Racism" is any system where people of one race have an advantage over people of other races. It does not have to be intentional, discriminatory, prejudicial, or oppressive. CRT ignores intent and focuses on outcome.
RACE NEUTRALITY vs. RACE CONSCIOUSNESS: Critical Race Theory is a deliberate and explicit rejection of the civil rights movement.
Traditional: People and institutions should make decisions without regard to race. We should treat everyone equally.
Critical Race Theory: People and institutions should make race the primary point of reference in every decision or action. We must be "aggressively race conscious." Race neutrality is just passive racism.
TRUTH vs PERSPECTIVE: Critical Race Theory rejects the notion that objective truth exists. It evaluates the world through the lens of power and perspective.
Traditional: We should base our beliefs on evidence, logic and rational processes.
Critical Race Theory: Truth does not exist. Each person develops a narrative based on lived experiences. Rationality is a tool of systemic racism, because there are subtle forms of systemic racism that cannot be proven. As a result, it is racist to ask for evidence of racism.
KOOKY STUFF: There are a couple of things that don't fit neatly into the above categories, but they're still worth mentioning. Because it rejects rationality and embraces irrationalism, Critical Race Theory leads to some pretty bizarre claims and conclusions. Among them:
(1) Brown v. Bd. of Ed. was a racist decision. The Supreme Court abolished separate but equal and integrated the schools. This is widely seen as a major victory for civil rights. But, the godfather of Critical Race Theory, Derrick Bell, argued that Brown was a racist decision because its real purpose was to quiet the civil rights movement -- by "giving them what they wanted."
(2) Martin Luther King was not a racist, but a white person quoting MLK *is* a racist. Remember from above, race neutrality is just passive racism. If a white person quotes MLK, he is trying to preserve his own privileged position in an inherently racist system.
(This is just a special case of the principle that there is no such thing as truth. Because there is no truth, we can't evaluate the truth of your statement. We can only evaluate your reasons for speaking it.)
(3) Combining everything above, I'll quote one of the few white scholars with widespread approval in the CRT universe, Georgetown Professor Gary Peller.
"Knowledge [is] itself a function of the powerful to impose their own views, to differentiate between knowledge and myth, reason and emotion, and objectivity and subjectivity. ... Understanding what society deems worthy of calling 'knowledge' depends on a prior inquiry into a social situation. ... Culture precedes epistemology."
Then, I'll add the words of CRT advocate John Calmore:
"Cultural bias sets standards for performance in terms of the tendencies, skills, or attributes of white America, and it is against these standards that all other groups are measured."
And, this is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of Critical Race Theory. It is a well-constructed system of invincible ignorance. You cannot reason with them. They reject every tool of rational discourse, even claiming that rationality itself is a tool of racism. You literally cannot disagree with them without being accused of racism. That's not hyperbole. It's woven into their definition of the how the universe works.
David Hiersekorn


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