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Good intentions do no more make a good action, than a fair mark makes a good shot by an unskillful archer.
Sincerity to propound a right end, and knowledge of the word of truth to direct us in the right way to that end are both necessary.
What is meant here by loins that are to be girt with this girdle of truth ? The girdle here is spiritual.
Peter will help to interpret Paul.
Gird up the loins of your mind - 1 Peter 1:13 They are our spirits and minds which must wear this girdle.
The loins are to the body as the keel to the ship. The whole ship is knit to that and sustained by it.
If the understanding be clear in it’s apprehensions of truth and the will sincere, vigorous and fixed in it’s purpose for that which is holy and good then there is strength.
But if the understanding be dark or uncertain in it’s notions, as a distempered eye that cannot well discern it’s object - not able to bring it’s thoughts to an issue, which to close with, and the will be wavering and unsteady, like a needle that trembles between two loadstones - here is weakness.
To use therefore these two,
First - truth of doctrine for the mind
Second - truth of heart or sincerity of the will
Is to unite and establish both these faculties. This they do when they are clasped and girt about the soul as the girdle about the lions of the body.
Though the loins be the strength of the body, yet they need an auxiliary to their strength from the girdle to keep those parts close and unite their force; without which, people when they would strain themselves and put forth their strength in any work find a trembling and looseness in their loins.
William Gurnall


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The Corn Siege