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We read in the Bible that Jesus had great crowds following Him and He ministered to the them (Matt 4:23-25). Twenty-six times in Matthew alone speaks of crowds. However, all that followed Jesus were not there for the right reasons. They followed Him to get fed (Matt 14:13-21) and to witness the miracles. These were fake followers.

Then there were those that followed Him for the right reasons and then fell away due to persecution or the fact that following Him was just too hard. They were the "salt" that lost its flavor.

“Therefore, salt is good; but if even salt has become tasteless, with what will it be seasoned? 35 It is useless either for the soil or for the manure pile; it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear" (Luke 14:34-35, NASB1995).

There are many Christians that just go through the motions. They show up for church on Sunday but during the week they do as they please. They are not servants of others nor do they follow the commands of Christ. They started the race strong but as the trial of life endured, they fell away. They were "salt." But think about it, what good is "salt" without flavor? It is useless. Jesus says here that if you put flavorless salt on manure, it would mess up the manure. Harsh words but true.

However, I believe it is possible to regain that flavor. The question is are you willing to put Him above your own family? (Luke 14:26). Are you willing to pick up your own burdens and troubles and follow Him to that hill called Calvary? (Luke 14:27).

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The Corn Siege