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The latest fear mongering headline is new day infections (NDI) are up in 27 states.

But wait... NDIs nationally are down 87%, with a 10% drop in the week of March 14th to March 21st. does the media "interpret" numbers to come up with their disgusting fear-mongering headlines?

First and most obviously, they say nothing significant or meaningful about an 87% plunge in 10 weeks. Stories always say things like, "While the U.S. has seen a reduction in cases, there is new cause for concern..." Give me a fucking break ๐Ÿ™„

Media NEVER cites facts such as "87% decline in the last 10 weeks." Can't have the masses knowing THAT!

Second, media alters the timeframe their referencing without telling the readers, except in (as an example) the 9th paragraph that few readers get to. In other words, a state's NDIs may be down 95% over 10 weeks - such as is the case here in NV - but if at any time during that 10 week period NDIs rise (as an example) 10% FROM THREE DAYS EARLIER, the media reports that as a "new surge" warranting more fear and the continuation draconian mitigation measures. And of course when NDIs return to the overall trend of declining the media falls silent.

Third, the media intentionally omits any meaningful analysis of the data. For the sake of illustration, let's say the U.S. was comprised just 2 states, each of equal population. If NDIs went up 3% in one of the two, the media headline would read, "Surge of new cases in half the country." The media would remain silent about that the other state experiencing a 12% drop during the same period. In other words, while "the nation" saw a 9% decrease in NDIs, the media would intentionally withhold that larger reality and report ONLY on the 3% increase in the one state.

And yeh...this kind of analysis is what got my "Dr Reality" page shut down by Facebook. Can't have people knowing the truth.

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The Corn Siege