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HEADLINE: March & April are critical in stopping another Covid-19 surge, CDC says

I've been hearing this same tripe every month since February 2020.

New daily infections have been plummeting since Jan 8th. As I write these words the U.S. has seen an 87% decline in 60 days!

We're nearly 1/3 of the way through March with new daily infections continuing downward even as states (and other jurisdictions) end mask mandates and lift restrictions.

This next statement is critical: New daily infections have continued downward in EVERY jurisdiction that eased or removed restrictions. In other words, what's happening in the real world - outside CDC's taxpayer funded cushy office and taxpayer funded salaries - does not support the CDC's "the sky is about to fall" narrative.

Remember when in December Fauci said January was going to be the worse month yet, only to see new daily infections go into free-fall? Fun times! LOL

I have no doubt CDC Director Walensky will be spewing the same crap in May; "May & June are critical in stopping another Covid-19 surge, CDC Director says." Sorry Rochelle; you, your agency, and your colleagues have done the Chicken Little routine too often.

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The Corn Siege